Friday, October 10, 2008

What a Difference a Year Makes

Guess Who is 2 !?!?

That's right, my baby girl turned 2 years old today. I still can't believe it!! Time flies! After Grant left for school Doug, Lily and I went to a pumpkin patch and then we went out to eat. Lily was such a good girl although she missed her nap.
Doug is leaving for China tomorrow in the early morning. No, he is not going back to get another baby, this is a business trip. He will only be gone for 6 days, however the kiddos and I are going to miss him very much. I pray for a safe flight and a uneventful return.

Flowers Anyone???

Grant, Lily and thier friends Caroline and Audrey like to hang out in the backyard and play all kinds of games. They will play everything from baseball to pirates to soccer. However, this past week they decided to play florist. Caroline (redhead) was the flower shop boss, Lily and Audrey (brunette) were the arrangers and Grant was the delivery boy. Grant did manage to design a floral arrangment that a boy would like.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Toddler Morning Out

The school district in our area has an amazing early childhood program. When Grant was a baby I took him to every event possible and I intend to do the same with lily. This morning was an event called Toddler's morning out an it was perfect weather. The pictures show Lily scooping and shoveling bird seed, playing at the water table and of course playing with the bubbles. We had a wonderful morning just hanging out and enjoying each other,


Grant is still playing fall baseball and his games usually fall on Sunday mornings. Enjoying the game with a toddler can be challenging however I have learned to bring a few tricks to keep Lily occupied. These items are usually colors, coloring books, stickers and snacks. I just wanted to post some pics of Lily cheering on her big brother.

Lovin Rick Springfield

Friday night my girlfriend Lisa and I went to see Rick Springfield in concert. I happen to be a huge Rick fan and have seen him in concert about 10 times, I have all of his Cd's and vinyl albums plus a huge scrapbook. I have been a true groupie at times and followed his tour schedule around the surrounding Missouri states. I no longer groupie Rick, however I still will catch him in concert when he is in the St. Louis area. Anyway, the show was great and i had a wonderful time hanging out with Lisa.