Friday, June 13, 2008

1 Year Referral Anniversary!!!

June 6 2008 was the one year anniversary of "The Call" , meaning that is has been 1 year since we first laid eyes on our baby girl. I remember that day like yesterday and can tell you every detail of it. However, I will just stick to the basics by saying that it was a Wednesday morning when Christina our social worker called and told me the information on my new baby girl and then I asked her to call Doug at work and give him the details. Christina said that we could come to the agency after 2:oopm to get the pictures and all the information. Grant and I met Doug at the adoption agency around 3:30 and we were greeted with balloons, cake and the entire China team. I was so nervous, excited and scared to see the pictures, I don't know why was so emotional but I was. When I finally saw Qian Li Tong's pictures all I could do was scream and jump up and down and cry. This was the baby that I had prayed for, dreamed about and planned for. She was perfect!!! Chubby cheeks, thick black hair and sweet kissable lips. I am even starting to get emotional just typing all this!!!
Stay tuned, because Aug 5 is the one year "Gotcha Day"


Anonymous said...

YEAA! AN UPDATE!! Girl...I thought you were hibernating for the summer. LOL. I'm so jealous you got to go to the agency to get your referral. I can't WAIT for Gotcha Day anniversary. Love the photos of Lily in the tub. She looks more like a little girl every time I see her. LOVE the photo of Grant with the snake! That is hilarious. I want one! Aren't those pools fun? Nate only likes to play in it if I get in with him but I make sure Don can't find the camera. haha.

Shannon said...

One year since you saw her face, can you believe it? All that waiting we did, now isn't it hard to imagine your life with out her? Happy to see new posts!

Kate said...

Sweet memories of the wonderful "call".
so glad you have them.