Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 7th Free Day

So we all slept in till about 8:00am, which was very late for us. After getting ready for the day, we went to breakfast at 9:15am. By the end of breakfast, Lily fell asleep so we returned to the room to lay her down and let her sleep as long as she needed. Poor baby girl was just exhausted. I would be too after going through all she has gone through. I decided to walk over to the department store by the hotel with one of the other new parents in our group and buy a stroller for Lily. I purchased a black and white Mickey Mouse stroller for about 199 yuan/rmb (around $27 USD). It is really cute and perfect for our travels. I also ran to the store to get more bottled water, coke and some chips to snack on. Lily slept about 3 hours for her morning nap and then woke up with a smile. We then decided to venture out to the streets of Chongqing by ourselves so Lily could get some fresh air and check out her new stroller.

What can I say about the city of Chongqing, other than interesting There are so many people walking around all the time, just seas of people The stares are still very intense toward us. I decided to let Doug push Lily so I could get some pictures of the city and the local people. I feel it is so important to capture as much information as possible about her birthplace. We saw a street vendor selling live pigeons and chickens’. There are so many stores and outdoor vendors here, it kind of reminds me of Mexico.

The children here are wonderful, very sweet and curious. They love to touch Lily and speak with her. I don't mind at all and the best part is that when the locals interact with her, she always keeps an eye on Doug and I. As if she is saying, " Your not leaving me are you, I need you". I keep reassuring her that she is our daughter forever and the only place she will go is home with us

After our walk we went to Kentucky Fried Chicken or as I called it Kentucky Fried Pigeon. We ordered 2 chicken sandwiches which were different, not bad just odd. I tried to take a picture of the young workers at the restaurant, but they ran away shy of the camera. After dinner we walked around a little more and then went back to the room to sleep It was an uneventful day but a much needed day of relaxing.

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