Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Farewell China August 15

Things We Miss Most About Home

1. Grant, Ringo & Sydney (of course)
2. Family & Friends (Thank You for your help and support.)
3. Cold Drinks - Especially Ice Tea (ICE! ICE! ICE!)
4. Long Phone Conversations (This is Renee's)
5. Milk (Been afraid to drink - thought it might be from a yak, cat or rat)
6. American TV (Without Chinese subtitles - take up too much space)
7. Tap Water (Using bottled water to brush your teeth is a hastle)
8. Sports (Unless your a Yankees fan, your out of luck)
9. Driving a Car (Would never attempt it in China)
10. American Music (Not from the 1970's)

Things We Will Miss About China

1. Service (They are so very helpful and polite)
2. The CHI Guides (Phenomenal Job - They are there for you)
3. Breakfast (They really know how to lay out a spread)
4. Coke (I think it has more kick here - maybe because it's warm)
5. Workout Rooms & Pool (A bit of luxury)
6. Laundry (They could get out any stain - it's incredible)
7. The Beds (Not at all what we expected - heavenly)
8. Shopping (This is Renee's)
9. Money Conversion (100USD to 750RMB - I felt like a high roller)
10. The Group (Sharing the experiences)

Our next post will be from home.


DigitalCaffeine said...

I love the picture for today! We also missed the ice for drinks when were there. By the way, is Lily eating congee? Michaela loved congee right up to the point that she discovered that she could have other food for breakfast. Definitely had to love the way the hotels put out the breakfast buffet.

Kate said...

Welcome Home!

As I was taking out some mail late last night I noticed you unpacking the van.

Can't wait to see this beautiful girl in the neighborhood.

much love - The Snodgrass'